Mastering DynamoDB Pagination with AWS SDK for JavaScript

As developers, we often face the need to handle large datasets in a way that is efficient and user-friendly. When working with Amazon Web Services (AWS) DynamoDB, this typically involves the task of implementing pagination. DynamoDB is a fast, flexible NoSQL database service for all applications that need consistent, single-digit millisecond latency at any scale, and pagination is crucial for managing large sets of returned data. Let's delve into the mechanics of DynamoDB pagination and explore a proficient method to navigate through your data using the AWS SDK for JavaScript.

Understanding DynamoDB Scan and Pagination

DynamoDB's Scan operation reads every item in a table or a secondary index. By default, a Scan operation returns all the data attributes for every item in the table; you can use the ProjectionExpression parameter if you want the scan to return just some of the attributes.

However, to manage data retrieval and control resource consumption, DynamoDB paginates the results from Scan operations. For tables or scans that have large amounts of data, instead of returning all the data in one unwieldy chunk, DynamoDB returns data in manageable pages. This is where the Limit parameter comes into play, allowing you to define the maximum number of items that an individual Scan request retrieves.

Implementing Efficient Pagination in Node.js

When using the AWS SDK for Node.js, pagination can be handled programmatically as demonstrated below. The following TypeScript code snippet illustrates how to implement a scanPaginated function that retrieves items from a DynamoDB table in pages up to a specified pageSize:

// Import AWS SDK and instantiate DynamoDB DocumentClient
import { DynamoDB } from 'aws-sdk';
const dynamoDb = new DynamoDB.DocumentClient();

// Async function to handle paginated scan
async function scanPaginated(
  tableName: string,
  pageSize: number,
  startKey?: DynamoDB.DocumentClient.Key,
) {
  // Initializations
  let accumulatedItems: DynamoDB.DocumentClient.ItemList = [];
  let lastEvaluatedKey = startKey;

  // Paginate while we have less items than the desired page size
  while (accumulatedItems.length < pageSize) {
    // Parameters for the DynamoDB scan operation
    const params: DynamoDB.DocumentClient.ScanInput = {
      TableName: tableName,
      Limit: pageSize - accumulatedItems.length,
      ExclusiveStartKey: lastEvaluatedKey

    // Awaitable scan operation
    const response = await dynamoDb.scan(params).promise();

    // Concatenate new items
    if (response.Items) {
      accumulatedItems = accumulatedItems.concat(response.Items);

    // Break loop if no more items are left
    if (!response.LastEvaluatedKey) {

    // Prepare for the next iteration
    lastEvaluatedKey = response.LastEvaluatedKey;

    // If we have enough items, preserve the LastEvaluatedKey for the next page
    if (accumulatedItems.length >= limit) {

  // Return the items and the key to start the next page
  return {
    items: accumulatedItems,
    lastEvaluatedKey: lastEvaluatedKey

// Usage of the async scanPaginated function
(async () => {
  const tableName = "YourTableName"; // Replace with your DynamoDB table name
  const pageSize = 5; // Set the desired page size

  // Fetching the first page 
  const firstPageResults = await scanPaginated(tableName, pageSize);
  console.log('First page:', firstPageResults.items);

  // Fetching subsequent pages
  if (firstPageResults.lastEvaluatedKey) {
    const nextPageResults = await scanPaginated(tableName, pageSize, firstPageResults.lastEvaluatedKey);

    console.log('Next page:', nextPageResults.items);

Key Aspects to Consider:

  1. Limit: Controls the number of items that are evaluated, considering the size of the accumulated items against the desired page size.

  2. ExclusiveStartKey: If using scanPaginated for subsequent pages, this key indicates from where to resume the scan.

  3. LastEvaluatedKey: AWS DynamoDB returns this key, enabling you to start the next scan from the correct location.

  4. Error Handling: While not shown in the snippet, it's crucial to handle errors gracefully for production applications, especially when dealing with asynchronous operations.

Efficiency and Cost Implications

Using a Scan can be resource-intensive and expensive in a high-volume environment, as it reads through the entire table. It's worth considering using Query instead of Scan when possible, as Query operations are generally more efficient and cost-effective. Also, bear in mind that the read operations consumed against the DynamoDB table will impact your AWS bill, especially for large-scale applications.


Efficient pagination is key to developing scalable applications that handle large datasets. The scanPaginated function is an adept way to read through your DynamoDB tables in a controlled and effective manner. By shrinking the bounds of data with each page and adapting to the data already retrieved, this function provides an optimized approach to data retrieval. Incorporating such methodologies not only leads to improved performance but also helps in effectively managing AWS costs.

Embrace the power of controlled pagination in your AWS DynamoDB-backed applications, and ensure that your interaction with large datasets remains efficient and cost-effective.